Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Clouds of Sils Maria

I don't quite understand the title of this film, as there is a place called Sils-Maria (with a hyphen):
which is where the phenomena of clouds rolling down the valley (the Maloja snake) can be sometimes witnessed - see this film from 1924 which is also featured in the current film:
but as Maria is the main character in the current film does the 'Maria' in the film title refer to her? Who knows? Anyway, ignoring all that, Juliette Binoche is Maria, an older actress with a younger PA, who is considering reviving her role in a play about an older woman and a younger PA, although whilst originally she played the younger PA, she is now going to be playing the older woman! Phew - get that? The film is about the overlap between reality and the play, but it's all a bit theatrical, though they do hang out in a very picturesque part of Switzerland, and check out the Maloja snake. Strangely I didn't think there were any opening titles, but halfway through it announced 'Part 2' and then at the end there is (I think) an entirely unnecessary 'Epilogue'. Why do so many films go on too long - why not let the audience sometimes remain hanging - I must go back and watch The Headless Woman again, as that perhaps went too far the other way, and seemed to stop in the middle of a scene!

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